the removal of these J-seals is the most important thing a person can do at this point in time
better connection to Higher self & original Divine blueprint restored
assists in the DNA activation process
receive much more intuition from your Higher self and you can start making your free-will choices in line with the Higher self
restore our organic imprint for optimal health and well being
a natural light will be restored, not only to us, but the Earths Crystalline Grid
evolution towards frequencies of love and higher dimensions
more psychic skills noticed
reach higher states such as bliss and unconditional love
back, neck and knee problems dissipate
breathe better & circulations
If you have problems in these areas on the left side of your body, set your intent to also be free
The J-Seals (Jehovian Seals) are referred also as the Death Seals and are located at the planetary level. They were placed in the Earth's grid about 200,000 years ago, and every human being born has the 7 seals within their own energetic grids. It is especially important to have these 7 seals removed to restore our organic imprint for optimal health and well being. All beings have these seals. Since the Earth and our bodies are built the same energetically, and they share certain energetic connections and we inherit these Jehovian Seals at birth. They are located on the left side of the body. The removal of J seals is a distant healing session where we remove the 7 unnatural J-Seals. These seals may manifest dis-ease in their respective locations. Common experiences after the session are the ability to breathe better, back, neck and knee problems dissipate, better connection to Higher self and more psychic skills noticed, better circulation, and the ability to reach higher states such as bliss and unconditional love.
These sessions are very important right now and very important for the DNA activation process. The seals act as a barrier to keep darkness, fear, despair within the Earth...creating chaos within the human heart and mind, as well as many devastating catastrophes on this planet. When the seals are removed from our physical body, a natural light will be restored, not only to us, but the Earths Crystalline Grid, allowing all Stargates to fully function, along with true liberation from the dark outer forces.
During each J-Seal removal session, we also remove several other unnatural seals and implants. These affect the ability to communicate with your Higher self and block the natural activation of the 4th DNA strand and thus hindering a person to evolve towards frequencies of love and higher dimensions.
Where are the J-seals located and when did they start opening?
J-seal 1 Top of the Skull (May 2001)
J-seal 2 Heart, Left lung, Left Knee Rear (May 2001)
J-seal 3 Pineal Gland (July 2001)
J-seal 4 Left side of neck and lymphatic's (January 2002)
J-seal 5 Rear left thigh and buttocks (January 2002)
J-seal 6 Alta major (where skull rests atop the spine), hypothalamus, and top of left shoulder (September 2002)
J-seal 7 Aorta Artery Neck Left Side (September 2002)
The effects of the J-seals happen anywhere between 3 and 12 months AFTER the J-seal opens. So if you have had problems in these areas in the last 4 to 5 years, it may be related to the J-seals.
Apart from the J-Seals there are other implants and seals which affect your DNA template. These seals and energetic implants also include Metatronic Implants, the Templar Seal, the Templar Axion Seal, the Cell Death Programs (Apoptosis), the Crown of Thorns, Avalon Seal, KCU's Karmic Containment Units, the Zeta Seal and the Tower of Babel Seal.
So to sum this up, since humanity has been disconnected from our original divine template, the majority of us have no idea why we are here, what our purpose is as we have no guidance from our Higher self so basically we are lost, walking aimlessly around only to die young and then have to come back and do it all over again, yet biological death is NOT natural to our Angelic Human DNA or Indigo DNA templates. We are meant to biologically ascend which is the drawing in of light to transform the body into light. We were not designed to be stuck here in third dimensional reality.
J-seal Removal online Session:
For the J-seal Removal Session, you can be in a relaxed, receptive state with no distractions and focus your intent on removing these J-seals and everything associated with them from your body. The session will last about an hr depending on how much resistance we encounter. At the end of the session, you should feel somewhat different, although most people find it hard to put this into words. It's because your energetic circulatory system will be working according to your Original Divine Blueprint for the first time in many thousands of years, so it takes some time for the changes to integrate and the person to get used to this.
One of the most important benefits of this session is the increased psychic abilities that result from J-seal 3 being removed in the pineal gland. So you should notice in very calm states of mind like theta, that you are receiving much more intuition from your Higher self and you can start making your free-will choices in line with that. Also, most people who have physical ailments in the areas of the J-seals start to see these gradually or sometimes even spontaneously disappear after the session. If you have problems in these areas on the left side of your body, set your intent to also be free of these during the session, and we will work with your Higher self to carry this out.
After the session, please drink lots of water and listen to what your body is asking for as far as nutrients is concerned. The removal of these J-seals is the most important thing a person can do at this point in time.
Also it can be done for your children.
One session time: 50 mins to 1 hr
15D Aura Clearing / J seals / 15D karmic cleaing sessions are done online only